Encarnación Pinedo, Miriam
Datos de edición
Encarnación Pinedo, M. La política después de la “guerra”. Los acuerdistas de Sendero Luminoso (1993-2020). Eirene Estudios De Paz Y Conflictos, 4 (7). Recuperado a partir de https://www.estudiosdepazyconflictos. com/index.php/eirene/ article/view/149
Fichero adjunto
Resumen: En 1993, Abimael Guzmán, líder de Sendero Luminoso (PCP-SL), leyó públicamente una carta dirigida al presidente de la República del Perú, Alberto Fujimori, en la que reconocía concluida la etapa de “lucha armada”. Mientras tanto, la dirección del PCP-SL mandaba delegados a las cárceles para difundir los planes sintetizados en el “acuerdo de paz”. Los que acogieron la nueva línea política serán los acuerdistas. Anteriormente, en su etapa de “guerra popular” (1980-1992), el PCP-SL sostenía la necesidad de la violencia para el triunfo de la revolución mediante consignas como “la sangre no ahoga la revolución, sino la riega”. En este trabajo, analizaremos la violencia de ayer y hoy, a partir de los testimonios de sus protagonistas, recogidos mediante el método cualitativo y la entrevista semiestructurada. Este esfuerzo nos permitirá concluir que, actualmente, los acuerdistas pugnan por participar en la política legal, adaptando su discurso a las necesidades de la “IV etapa (de lucha política sin armas)”. La principal dificultad de esta investigación ha sido la escasez de bibliografía académica sobre los acuerdistas, lo que confiere valor agregado al presente estudio.
Palabras clave: Guerra, paz, Sendero Luminoso, MOVADEF, memoria.
Abstract: In 1993, Abimael Guzmán, leader of the Shining Path (PCP-SL), publicly read a letter addressed to the president of the Republic of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, where he admitted the end of the “armed struggle” phase. Meanwhile, PCP-SL’s management sent delegates to the prisons to disseminate the plans established in the “peace agreement”. The ones who embraced the new political line became acuerdistas. Previously, during the “people’s war” phase (1980-1992), the PCP-SL justified the need for violence to achieve the revolution’s triumph through slogans such as “blood doesn’t drown the revolution, but waters it.” In this work, we will analyze the past and current violence, based on the testimonies of its protagonists, collected through the qualitative method and the semi-structured interview. This effort will allow us to conclude that, currently, the acuerdistas are struggling to participate in legal politics, adapting their discourse to the needs of the “IV phase (of political struggle without arms)”. The main difficulty of this research has been the lack of academic literature on acuerdistas, which gives added value to this study.
Keywords: War, peace, Shining Path, MOVADEF, memory.
Palabras clave: Guerra, paz, Sendero Luminoso, MOVADEF, memoria.
Abstract: In 1993, Abimael Guzmán, leader of the Shining Path (PCP-SL), publicly read a letter addressed to the president of the Republic of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, where he admitted the end of the “armed struggle” phase. Meanwhile, PCP-SL’s management sent delegates to the prisons to disseminate the plans established in the “peace agreement”. The ones who embraced the new political line became acuerdistas. Previously, during the “people’s war” phase (1980-1992), the PCP-SL justified the need for violence to achieve the revolution’s triumph through slogans such as “blood doesn’t drown the revolution, but waters it.” In this work, we will analyze the past and current violence, based on the testimonies of its protagonists, collected through the qualitative method and the semi-structured interview. This effort will allow us to conclude that, currently, the acuerdistas are struggling to participate in legal politics, adapting their discourse to the needs of the “IV phase (of political struggle without arms)”. The main difficulty of this research has been the lack of academic literature on acuerdistas, which gives added value to this study.
Keywords: War, peace, Shining Path, MOVADEF, memory.