Montero, Mariano Damián
Datos de edición
Contenciosa, No. 12 (Enero-Noviembre de 2022), pp. 1-28. ISSN: 2347-0011
Fichero adjunto
RESUMEN: Las menciones e informaciones sobre la Columna Mariscal López —guerrilla rural del Partido Comunista Paraguayo activa durante los años sesenta— son escasas y prácticamente no existen trabajos académicos sobre la misma. El presente artículo se propone establecer una primera aproximación sobre los motivos de su emergencia en base a las características de su composición social —tanto de sus miembros activos como de sus puntos de apoyo— y a las zonas geográficas en las que tuvo influencia. A través de métodos cuantitativos, cualitativos e interpretativos sobre los archivos de la represión, se analizan los factores objetivos que incidieron en su articulación y permanencia por el espacio de una década y las respuestas de la dictadura de Alfredo Stroessner a su desafío insurgente.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Partido Comunista Paraguayo, columna Mariscal López, dictadura de Stroessner, guerrilla rural, marcha hacia el este.
ABSTRACT: The mentions and information about the Columna Mariscal López —rural guerrilla of the Paraguayan Communist Party active during the sixties— are scarce and there are practically no academic works on it. This article aims to establish a first approximation on the reasons for its emergence based on the characteristics of its social composition —both its active members and its support points— and the geographical areas in which it had influence. Through quantitative, qualitative and interpretive methods on the archives of repression, the objective factors that influenced their articulation and permanence for the space of a decade and the responses of the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner to his insurgent challenge are analyzed.
KEYWORDS: Paraguayan Communist Party, Mariscal López column, Stroessner dictatorship, rural guerrilla, road to the east.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Partido Comunista Paraguayo, columna Mariscal López, dictadura de Stroessner, guerrilla rural, marcha hacia el este.
ABSTRACT: The mentions and information about the Columna Mariscal López —rural guerrilla of the Paraguayan Communist Party active during the sixties— are scarce and there are practically no academic works on it. This article aims to establish a first approximation on the reasons for its emergence based on the characteristics of its social composition —both its active members and its support points— and the geographical areas in which it had influence. Through quantitative, qualitative and interpretive methods on the archives of repression, the objective factors that influenced their articulation and permanence for the space of a decade and the responses of the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner to his insurgent challenge are analyzed.
KEYWORDS: Paraguayan Communist Party, Mariscal López column, Stroessner dictatorship, rural guerrilla, road to the east.