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Ejecución del Coronel Roberto Armando Rivera


The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front informs the Salvadoran people that today, June 26, 1989, an urban commando unit of the FMLN carried out the execution of Colonel Roberto Armando Rivera.

Colonel Rivera was a military officer with known criminal and repressive tendencies. He worked as the director of the School of Public Security, where, together with a team of Chilean advisors, he specialized in the planning and execution of dirty warfare operations such as the criminal attack committed by the Armed Forces in the central market and the attack on the U.S. religious women. Likewise, Colonel Rivera taught classes in psychological warfare, interrogation and torture techniques, and his death squad-related activities were clearly identified.

The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front reiterates to all of the Salvadoran people that acts of dirty warfare perpetrated by the ARENA regime against civilians such as the one committed in the Central Market will meet the firm and decisive response of the people in arms.

Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front

El Salvador, June 26, 1989