Latin American Guerrilla Movements

Origins, Evolution, Outcomes

Fondos bibliográficos
Kruijt, Dirk; Rey Tristán, Eduardo; Martín Álvarez, Alberto [Ed.]
Núm. Páginas
262 pp.
Datos de Edición
New York: Routledge, 2019.
1. Origins and Evolution of the Latin American Guerrilla Movements
Dirk Kruijt, Eduardo Rey Tristán and Alberto Martin Álvarez

2. Cuba and the Latin American Left
Dirk Kruijt

Part 1: First Revolutionary Ripple: the imitation of the successful example

The Sixties and the Foco Guerrilla
Eduardo Rey Tristán

3. Guerrilla Movements in the Dominican Republic
Cyrus Veeser and Lilian Bobea

4. Notes on the guerrilla experience in Venezuela (1958-1994)
Eudald Cortina Orero

5. The First Cycle of the Guatemalan Insurgency (1954-1972)
Carlos Figueroa Ibarra

6. The Peruvian Guerrilla Movements of the 1960s. 
Jan Lust

7. The Bolivian Guerrilla Movements in Four Phases 
Gustavo Rodríguez Ostria

Part 2: Second Revolutionary Ripple: the adaptation of a non-viable model

The Urban Experience: Rethinking the Guevarist Foco
Eduardo Rey Tristán

8. Guerrillas in Brazil, 1960’s and 70’s
Celso Castro

9. The Uruguayan Guerrilla Experience (1963-1972)
Eduardo Rey Tristán

10. Guerrillas in Argentina. A History of Four Decades (1950-1980)
Hernán Confino and Marina Franco

11. Formation and Development of the Armed Left in Chile (1965-1990)
Igor Goicovic

Part 3: Third Revolutionary Ripple: Learning from Experiences and New Influences

The Central American Civil Wars
Alberto Martin Álvarez

12. The Sandinista Guerrilla, Revolution and Legacy
Dirk Kruijt and Alberto Martin Álvarez

13. The Revolutionary Movement in El Salvador
Alberto Martin Álvarez

14. The Second Cycle of the Guatemalan insurgency (1970-1996)
Mario Vázquez Olivera and Fabián Campos Hernández

Part 4: Special Cases

Singularities and Transversalities in the Insurgent Cycle
Dirk Kruijt

15. Colombia: 70 years of Guerrilla Warfare
Darío Villamizar

16. Sendero Luminoso, the MRTA, and the Peruvian Paradoxes
Martin Tanaka

17. Mexico’s Armed Socialist Movement During the 1960s and 1970s
Adela Cedillo

18. The Emergence of The Junta Coordinadora Revolucionaria: Historical Context and Political Process in The Southern Cone 
Aldo Marchesi

19. A Balance of the Latin America Guerrilla
Dirk Kruijt, Alberto Martin Álvarez and Eduardo Rey Tristán